“ Measurements of charge, heat and spin transport in organic semiconductors”
“Thermal and Thermoelectric Transport in Metal-Coordinated Polymers: Towards Flexible Devices”
“Study of the thermal transport across the interface”
“Application trend of energy harvesting technology”
“Multiscale multisensor measurements for the heat transfer in soft materials”
“Effect of Phonon Drag on Seebeck Coefficient Based on Linear Response Theory”
“Pulsed light heating thermoreflectance: Technique and measurement on nanomaterials and interfaces”
“Thermal conductivity of a Bismuth Telluride and PEDOT:PSS composite film”
“Stable n-doped carbon nanotube films with supramolecules”
“Thermoelectric properties of sorted single-walled carbon nanotube sheet”
“Thermoelectric properties of van der Waalsmaterials”
“Thermoelectric properties of Fermi-level tuned single wall carbon nanotubes”